Studi Komparasi Hasil Ujian Mahasiswa Tahun Pertama Perkuliahan Pada Mata Kuliah Autoimun
Autoimmune Courses, Student Exam Results, First Year of Study, Face-To-Face, Virtual Face-To-FaceAbstract
The first year of college has an influence on students taking courses in the following year. The low average final exam score of students in virtual face-to-face learning was the impetus for conducting this research. A total of 40 students from the Medical Education study program were given virtual and face-to-face learning for half a semester each. A total of 10 questions with the same weight are given in the mid-term and final exams to be worked on for 50 minutes. The results of the research show that face-to-face learning causes an increase in the minimum student exam score of 14 points (28%) while the maximum score increases by two points (2.12%), the average increase is 14.41% from 71.1 to 81.35 and the standard deviation fell 12.4% from 9.03497 to 7.91477. A sigma value of less than 0.05 indicates that face-to-face learning is better than virtual face-to-face learning. Interview results support that face-to-face learning is better than virtual face-to-face learning in autoimmune courses in the Medical Education study program in the first year of study.
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