Author Guidelines

For Authors who wish to have their articles published in the Journal of Research and Conceptual BRILIANT must be as follows:

1) Articles are original written by the author and free of plagiarism as well as have never been published before.
2) Writing articles must be in accordance with the procedure of writing scientific articles for journals, contained in the book Writing Scientific Writing published by Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Blitar.
3) Articles contained in this Journal are Articles of research and non-research articles (Conceptual)
4) Articles are written with Microsoft Word program, Font Types: Times New Roman, Size 12 pt, space: single 0 pt. A4 paper size.
5) Articles are written with a number of pages of at least 12 pages and a maximum of 20 pages.
6) The title of the article is written specifically with no more than 15 words.
7) The identity of the author is written with the full name without the title followed by the address of the institution and the author's email underneath. For writers who number more than one, at the end of the name of each author is given the correspondence address code. The correspondence address contains the author's address and email address. Can be exemplified as follows,

Adia Syahrani (1), Gatot Wiwaha (2), Muhammad Umar (3)
1 Student of Study Program of PGSD, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Blitar,
2.3 Lecturer of Prodi PGSD, University of Nahdlatul Ulama Blitar

Email: 1, 2, 3

8) The article comes with an abstract written in English for a maximum of 150 words. Abstract describes the background, problem formulation, theory, hypothesis, methods and research results.
9) Body of research article as follows

The introduction does not need to be written. Introduction to the article contains four ideas: (a) research background, (b) problem and insight of problem-solving plan, (c) solutions offered, (d) brief discussion of solution solutions (d) objectives and expectations about the benefits of research results . The inclusion of the term Introduction poses as a subtitle that begins the contents of the article. Therefore, the term Introduction can not be replaced by or given a subtitle again. Position Introduction, written immediately after the abstract.
In this introductory section, a summary of the contents of the background / research context, problem formulation / research focus, objectives and benefits of research, scope, and literature review. To ensure the originality of the writings and authoritative authority, this introductory section should be accompanied by reference in proportional amounts (not too much or not too little), ringas, solid, and directly to the problem. The presentation of information in it is directed to the view of the nature of the problem, the design of problem solving, and the objective formulation of the research. For example, its theoretical framework, previous research studies (prior), historical aspects, and others. Expert citations are required to be written in this chapter.

This section presents briefly on how the research is done. The description is presented in several paragraphs without subsections or sorted into subsections. Its content, concerning data collection techniques, subjects / samples, data collection instruments, data sources, and data analysis techniques. Experts quote about research methods are allowed to be written. In order to avoid the use of tables, and prefer the writing in the form of descriptive.

This section presents the results of data analysis and results of hypothesis testing which aims to: (a) answer the research problem or show how the goal is achieved, (b) interpret the findings. It is recommended to sub-subtitles for each of the research findings. In order to avoid the use of tables and prefer the writing in the form of descriptive.

In this section of the deliberations the results obtained are integrated into established sets of knowledge and theories, and compile new theories or modify existing theories. An expert quote is required in this chapter. It is recommended to sub-subtitles for each of the research findings. In order not to use the table and prefer the writing in the form of descriptive.

The conclusion presents the results of the discussion of the research findings. Conclusions are presented in essei form, not in numerical form.

Suggestions are prepared based on the conclusions that have been drawn. Suggestion refers to practical action, or theoretical development, and advanced research

10) The body of a non-research article (conceptual as follows)

The introduction does not need to be written. Introduction to the article contains four ideas, namely: (a) research background, (b) problem and insight of problem-solving plan, (c) solutions offered, (d) brief discussion of solution solutions (d) objectives and
hope about the benefits of research results. The inclusion of the term Introduction poses as a subtitle that begins the contents of the article. Therefore, the term Introduction can not be replaced by or given a subtitle again. Position Introduction, written immediately after the abstract.

In this introductory section a summary of the background content, problems, objectives and benefits of the study, scope, and literature review are presented. To ensure the originality of the writings and authoritative authority, this introductory section should be accompanied by reference in proportional amounts (not too much or not too little), ringas, solid, and directly to the problem. Expert citations are required to be written in this chapter.

In this section of discussion, the studies of problems and solutions are discussed and integrated into an established set of knowledge and theories, and develop new theories or modify existing theories. An expert quote is required in this chapter. It is recommended to sub-subtitles for each of the research findings. In order to avoid the use of tables and prefer the writing in the form of descriptive.


The conclusion presents the results of the discussion. Conclusions are presented in essei form, not in numerical form.

Suggestions are prepared based on the conclusions that have been drawn. Suggestions refer to practical actions, or theoretical development, and further studies.

11) To make it easier in writing articles, both research and non research can download template articles available at
12) At the end of article writing, a list of references is written. List of references to at least 15 references.

13) How to write a reference using a harvard style, sorted alphabetically by the leading author's name of the referral source. Reference writing format is exemplified as follows:


Majid, Abdul. 2014. Strategi Pembelajaran. Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya.

Printed Article

Zainuddin. 2016. Designing Scientific Learning Model Application in Low-grade of Primary Schools Based on the 2013 Curiculum in East Java, Indonesia. Journal of Social Science (COES&RJ-JSS), 5 (3): 229-237.

Online Article

Putri, Noviani Achmad. 2011. Penanaman Nilai-nilai Pendidikan Karakter melalui Mata pelajaran Sosiologi . Komunitas, (Online), 3 (2): 201-215, ( download/2317/2370), diakses tanggal 23 Juli 2016.

Goverment Documents

Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. 2012. Dokumen Kurikulum 2013. Jakarta Kemeneterian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI

Artikel at Mass Media

Tanpa Nama. Juli 2016. Pendidikan Karakter. Aula, hlm. 7.

Seminary Paper

Akbar, Sa’dun. 2016. Riset Pengembangan untuk Pengembangan Alat Pembelajaran. Makalah disajikan dalam Lokakarya Penyusunan Proposal Penelitian Didanai  DRPM DIKTI, FIP UM, Malang, 2 Mei 2016.

14) Writing The tables are tailored to the needs and follow the procedures specified in the Script Writing Guidebook published by Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Blitar. It is expected that the author to minimize the use of tables in the article.
15) Articles to be published should be submitted to the Briliant Journal of Research and Concept online with register / login facility at The inserted file exists microsoft office 2003 (.doc).
16) Articles submitted should be tailored to existing guidelines or adapted to the template contained at
17) Incoming articles will be edited by the editorial board and then decided to be published or not and will be issued provisions that must be done by the author to be published. It is expected that the author actively performs monitoring of the articles that are entered by logging in at through the account used to enter the article.
18) Editing does not change the substantial substance of the written artkel. As well as copyright of the article belongs to the Author, the editorial team and the editor are not responsible if found plagiarism in the article.
19) For authors whose articles meet the criteria and are eligible to be published will be confirmed by the editorial team.

Author guidelines in Bahasa Indonesia can be downloaded here

Template in Bahasa Indonesia can be downloaded here