Integration of Social Sufim Education and Fiqh in Fatwa on Digital Da'wah Ethics in Indonesia


  • Athoillah Islamy Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Ki Ageng Pekalongan
  • Zulihi Zulihi Institut Agama Islam Negeri Fattahul Muluk Papua
  • M. Aba Yazid Universitas Islam Negeri K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan
  • Muhammad Abduh



Digital da'wah, Fiqh, Indonesian Ulema Council, Sufism social education


Da'wah activities through digital applications sometimes cause religious social problems in the midst of Indonesia's diverse social life. Through a normative-philosophical approach, this qualitative study intends to identify the value of Sufism social education in digital da'wah ethics contained in the fatwa of the Indonesian Ulema Council of East Java Province Number. 06 of 2022. This study data was obtained by documentation techniques, and data analysis includes reduction, presentation, and verification. The social value of Sufism in the form of mahabbah, itsar, and futuwwah is the basis for the perspective of this study. This study found the content of Sufism social education values in legal provisions related to the ethics of preachers in the digital space in the fatwa, including the value of mahabbah education in da'wah ethics that uphold peace. Then, the value of futuwwah education in da'wah ethics that respects diversity. Furthermore, the value of itsar education in da'wah ethics that cares for public benefit and state integration. This study confirms that the integration of the values of tarbiyah, Sufism and fiqh can be disseminated in fatwas related to social religion in Indonesia, including digital da'wah ethics fatwas.


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Education and Social Science